H2ODelirious lyrics - Dan Bull

This is a hold-up!
Ten Million

I've got a Double Daryl shotgun, pointed at your bottom
Now hand over the Diamond Play Button
'Cause his facemask's stainless steel
It's attached to his face like a grapefruit peel
Dat face reveal's gonna make 'em squeal
But when's it gonna be?
Patient, we'll need to negociate a deal
Then maybe we'll see about making it real
He's a mystical being from space
Even his family hasn't seen his face
And I know I shouldn't tell you this, he'll be fumin'
But he looks just like a typical human
And assuming you didn't figure it out already
He really loves his teddy
When he doesn't get a hug he becomes unsteady
Vomit on his sweater, mom's spaghetti
You're getting soaked no stopping the leak
Like a toddler reluctant to sleep
Acting as if he's got nothing to eat
But he's one of the top, the elite
I got as many views in my career
As Delirious has just got in a week
You better Shuch up when I drop on the beat
Because even though he can't properly speak
He will climb greatness mountain and then grab
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak
He can play Gmod Hide and Seek
With Vanoss then switch up to Hide and Shriek
Everyday's Friday the Thirteenth, so
Check your sub box first thing, oh
He plus Gmod are peas in a pea pod
Try and stop him and there'll be a season of Jihad
Fighting over who might be the supreme God
They've both never been seen, does it seem odd?
The Delirious family knows
We're unlike the average joes
Or Mannequin hoes
The insanity shows
No wonder mom and dad are panicking loads
Your'e damned if you do and you're damned if you don't
So strap on the mask and gooooo

The moon tide is tugging on my heart strings
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing
So instead of singing melodies
I just sort of rythmically speak
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak

Oh, the moon tide is tugging on my heart strings
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing
So instead of singing melodies
I just sort of rythmically speak
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak

Why so serious, why so blue?
Ain't H2O Delirious right fo' you?
Why? What lenghts could a guy go to
To provide your amusement, acquire those views
In Vinewood driving a Rhino through
Find Shia LeBeouf and call him Shilo Boof
Ahem, that was a typo, oops
No need to correct me you snide lil' douche
Everyone's a critic, the line's so true
When you get what creators online go through
"You're so useless and I'm so cool"
I can hit a low and a high note too
'Scuse me but do I know you?
Telling me to die, bro, why don't you
Shuch up!
You're in serious need of a
I don't meen make up, I mean getting
Shuch up!
If you found that offensive well then
You should have heard what I took out the
Rough cut!
Shuch up!
If you don't, I've a prediction
Shuch up!
You'll become a survivor victim
Shuch up!
Just Shuch up! Shuch up! Shuch up!
Just Shuch up! Shuch up! Shuch up!
Just Shuch up!
Or I'll introduce my foot to your buttocks

The moon tide is tugging on my heart strings
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing
So instead of singing melodies
I just sort of rythmically speak
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak

Boat wrecker, dope peddlar, vogue setter
Go getter, joke teller, so clever
Wana make a video better?
No pressure
Lol joke the heat's overloading your processor
You're a flat pack hat rack, he's an oak dresser
Don't imitate, come up with your own method
Or even better, just don't ever
Pimpin' out the lo lo with chrome leather
Taking over the show at his own leisure
While I study flows like a professor
We dunno whether dinos had no feathers
But we do know the zero's supposed to be a letter
It's totally an "O" not a number
This is a Courgette, this is a Cucumber
Known as zuchini
Oh 'scuse me, but I'm from overseas, so sue me
Goody two shoes and a blue hoody
Bloody shoes would he choose to be you buddy? Who?
True that he's too good he needs to be studied
To discover the gene making movies funny
Ten million subs that'll see YouTube
Then be "Please mummy, we need food"
How can I say this without seeming rude?
Pff, screw it, you're a penis dude!

The moon tide is tugging on my heart strings
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing
So instead of singing melodies
I just sort of rythmically speak
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak

Lemme begin a rap that's incredibly fast
See me get in and then vanish quicker
Than the fidget spinner fad
MiniLadd's getting really mad, checking the minimap
Like the fella was in Trinidad with a myriad
Of chickens when he meant to be in Chiliad, silly chap
Will he actually get'em back and intact, or be
Picking up a bit of litter and sticking it in a bag
With a death date written on the tag
I know true, it's a sucky task
But somebody's gotta do it so go fetch the hockey mask
That costume's Delirious, don't copy that
Hitting with the impact of a shotty blast
He needs food to bloat up his body mass
And make a meal montage with a Rocky track
One second, he's a fully jolly chap
And the next he's a bloody stroppy twat
And if you haven't ever heard of Batcoon
He's a badass, crime-fighting racoon
Kicking every villain's ass to this rap tune
'Til it make an excuse to leave, and soon
Delirious rhymes with:
Curious, Furious, Spurious and Devine Mysterious Experience
So get down on your knees and beg
With a prayer to the white circle easter egg

The moon tide is tugging on my heart strings
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing
So instead of singing melodies
I just sort of rythmically speak
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak

Oh, the moon tide is tugging on my heart strings
This chorus should sound so much better but I can't sing
So instead of singing melodies
I just sort of rythmically speak
About climbing greatness mountain and grabbing
Greatness's tits at the top of the peak

Hell Or High Water lyrics - Dan Bull

(Floodland Song - Climate Change Rap)

Hi neighbour! Nice day, but might rain yet
And by the way, climate change makes a great ice breaker
Hope you don't mind if I say what's on my mind lately
You do? Well I hate being the guy to break it to you

But human kind ain't advice takers, by nature
We're stuck to our ways, like stubborn bugs to fly paper
Rising tides aren't quite so high when spied from skyscrapers
So we'll keep making money now and decide how to survive later

We'll be fine, we're primates with a migratory mind state
But where do you relocate to when you can't find a dry acre?
It's so polluted though that you've no hope to hydrate here
Entire states lie in waste the change is night and day

This type of failure's kind of major, but hey that's the price we pay
For infinite growth inside a finite place
Isn't it gross? Revenue became our entire life's aim
Looks like the only way we'll learn to change our ways is via pain

When the levee breaks through, then it's fairly late to
Regret every mistake you, may have ever made
Come hell or high water, we'd better make a change
Why I ought to? Well, but then again

Heavy rain, ever so heavy rain
Funny how the flood is spreading as if it's aflame
Heavy rain, ever so heavy rain
See, never will the sea lever ever be the same

I remember civilisation started to creak at the seams
It seemed increasingly frequent to see the freakiest scenes
Streets full of people ceased to be peaceful, there was bleeding and screams
As they received beatings from eager police for breaching the peace

Here we see freedom in freefall
I mean is there even a need for thieving to eat
Or is it merely more evil and greed?
We've all ignored the awkward things that we've seen on our feed
But now they're written in your floods of tears, so read them and weep

See the double meaning to "we're in it deep"?
But inner demons and beasts? We can leave them deceased
We don't need them now that even our seasons have ceased
At least seasonal depression has no reason to be

But now the sea's at our feet we're feeling weak at the knees
It's either gills or survival skills, we'll need just to breathe
It's getting wetter and we'd better do better
But if there's one thing to bring people together
It's immediate pressure

It's such a deep dilemma, for the complete beginner
How did the dove of peace become a piece of meat for dinner?
Just pull off the beak and feather, now come on, let's eat together
Roast it over open flames so the taste is even better

Seven deadly sins end in several deadly plagues
Yet never did we know was our co-architect the end of days?
Everything we've ever made buried under waves
Guess they're sending us a genesis to get our penance paid

Heavy rain, ever so heavy rain
Every day we wade in we play a deadly game
Heavy rain, ever so heavy rain
We'd better have a gameplan better than merely praying

Why do we need to pick between unity and liberty
If it seems whatever team you tick will lead to misery?
To disbelieve truth is easy if you choose to disagree
Though pictures of its pitfalls litter all of human history

Old worlds sink beneath the new at least initially
'Til it repeats and it repeats and it re-
Geez! Look overhead!
The sun's corona's thrown a solar flare
The comms are blown up thus there's no numbers to phone repair
So prepare for hold ups all the bumpy road ahead
And shadows that are so intense you won't detect a polar bear

All progress frozen for a moment there, so unfair
Au contraire though mon frére, there's hope don't despair
Let's set the record straight you're getting maced with "face it" pepper spray
Best set up base this is the day for which the preppers pray
Unless they face the lesson that the desolation's there to stay
It ain't a getaway or lazy daydream on a bed of hay

Best not get up late we're set in our ascetic ways
And when there isn't anesthetic, antiseptic sepsis takes
Interest in your intestines with a kiss to take your breath away
So let's assess the question, eh? Maybe there's a better way?

Heavy rain, ever so heavy rain
Funny how the flood is spreading as if it's aflame
Heavy rain, ever so heavy rain
See, never will the sea lever ever be the same

Seven deadly sins end in several deadly plagues
Yet, never did we know was our co-architect the end of days?
Everything we've ever made buried under waves
Guess they're sending us a genesis to get our penance paid

Gather round the campfire, now, how to even start this?
We're running out of gaslight but carry on regardless
Funny how we'll only see it now we're in the darkness
Salaries and spas flipped to tragedy and hardship
Our values fell after we sank the flooded markets
So now we're bound to starve unless we gather in the harvest

And that's the legacy we left:a planetary carcass
Now we're merely stardust aren't we bloody marvelous?

You know it's nothing advanced you've so much blood on your hands
These flows are flooding your lands sunk your boat and scuppered your plans
And only after the catastrophic event occurs you go
"Oh so that's what I probably should have done to prevent it first..."

We need a rebirth to appease earth
I plead that you heed these words, each verse
I didn't mean to flood this beat with such a deep dirge
But beneath the heat lurks a hunger that'll feed thirst
I'll jump in feet first I want to see this earth
Reimbursed for each hurt that we deemed to be worth
Inflicting terror on our victim terra should be being nursed
But ever since we started living on it seems cursed

We birds tweet perched on the steep verge of a ravine
Verdant leaves, fir trees, sweet birch and green ferns
Then deny the face the fire's happening despite the fact we see it burn
Like "Ah, There's been worse." 'Kin Lee Hurst
We need to reverse the mentality of "me first"
I'm telling you Humanity could either be a brief burst
Or we could reach further than we'd ever rehearsed
A valiant crew that's gallant to the planet in which we serve

Heavy rain, ever so heavy rain
Every day we wade in we play a deadly game
Heavy rain, ever so heavy rain
We'd better have a gameplan, better than merely praying
When the levee breaks through, then it's fairly late to
Regret every mistake you, may have ever made
Come hell or high water, we'd better make a change
Why I ought to? Well, but then again

Hello There! lyrics - Dan Bull

(Obi-Wan Kenobi Rap)

Hello there, I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, although old Ben's, how they've come to know me
Upon this sandy barren planet, that's become my home, see
Lonely I wander dusty roads, adorned in scruffy robes
An undercover Jedi veteran that has seen loads
Battled with tons of clones, among them Cody, drunk with Yoda
And now look out for Luke, his aunt Beru and uncle Owen
From my base among the Jungland Wastes I'm on the case, just dunes
And Tusken Raiders, fussy neighbours, but there's lots of space to move
Though aside from awaiting Luke, there ain't much in this place to do
It's as exciting as supervising, convoluted trade disputes
It takes some patience to negotiate with federations who
Blockade the routes 'til Nute Gunray betrays you, then invades Naboo
Won't get anything done in Mos Eisley if you ask nicely
The markets are hardly a posh high street, so it's not likely
I know the rough side streets, and mind tricks you have to do
Sometimes it's not just the Sith that deal in absolutes
And that's the truth, the past comes back in loops
To hit you hard and faster than a blaster shoots, what's after Luke?
Qui-Gon Jinn and I discovered Anakin upon the planet Tatooine, now it happens
That's the habitat, I'm shacked up in, is that a grander plan? It has to been
It's not just luck, how crossed our paths have been, we're subject to higher order
A fact that makes itself apparent, whenever I link up with Skywalkers
You can not imagine how fire the Force is by its very nature
It's hella dangerous, nevertheless its vibrations, serenade us
It's alive, Midichlorians all surround and bind and penetrate us
Right from backwoods planets straight to grand, galactic senate chambers
Part dermal regenerator, part thermal detonator
Dark versus Light, can't blur the line that separates us
For the son it's rather hard to learn how far the father fell
But once it's done, it's the first step inside a larger world
I sense the signs at once, a chill as the Emperor's eyes are hunting, feeling me
Left to hide among the Krill, in this wretched hive of scum and villainy
Endless lives have suffered indignity under this unforgiving tyranny
But ever defiant the Rebel Alliance is stemming the tide of toxicity
Ending the terror the tyrants send every time, undermining their mindless hostility
Finding the minorest fault in their finest facilities, then wiping out their entire military
Wherever I might be found, I keep to the higher ground, even in the deepest cavern
Leaping chasms, there'd be good reasons if you see me leaving seedy taverns
Believe me, your beliefs might need to be reexamined, don't even fear dragons
Strike me down, and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine
Loved Anakin like a son, and I would have done anything
Under the twin suns to prevent something as bad as that happening again
Young Padawans are suggestible, are susceptible to the Dark Side
So accept the forces of darkness are a predator from which you can't hide
I'll be losing Maul, soonish surely you saw me demolish him
But who's the more foolish, y'all the fool or the fool who follows him?
Look forward to when I've fought Vader, once more felt the full Force
Of the whole blade of his old sabre, 'til then I walk with the Raiders

Holiday In Hell lyrics - Dan Bull

(Metal: Hellsinger Song)

Abandon hope all ye who enter here into fear
I need to leave heaven, my tenancy's in rent arrears
And I've a tendency for temper, see, my empathy
Is temporary as every entity I meet that interferes
So it appears, I need a break, believe it, mate
Set your alarm for seven or half-past because we'll be leaving at eight
Don't leave it late, we won't wait to start the party, popping off
Bottletops, and every one of them is a molotov

Bloody hell - it's fun as hell, now burn in hell
If I keep firing rounds my gun is going to melt
Can you tell why it's called a burner now?
Don't make me spell it out, you heard me now

Spend the summer in hell, there's really nothing to tell
And so I booked a motel down in the furnace of hell
Yeah, I've just come here to chill, and look for something to kill
Because the summertime has nothing on the furnace of hell

Got to check in to a spot where the weather is hot
I thought I'd packed my factor fifty, but I guess I forgot
I'm going to get burnt up so badly you daren't look
Unlike my thermostat, I'm turnt up, and ready to bare knuckle
Booking a bed and breakfast up in another dimension, what an adventure
But d'you remember? The road to hell is paved with stuff that'll end ya
So travel with caution, or feel agony more than trapping your foreskin
No wonder the travel insurance for this all's an absolute fortune
There's an appalling, lack of precautions, also, here's a question
When was the last time one of the staff performed a risk assessment?
And where can I access toilets, or just pause to get refreshments?
How can a tourist trap so notorious, lack a freaking restaurant?
Abandon hope all ye who enter here into fear
I got no phone signal, need to reach an engineer
I'm sorry, I can't reply to my email now
I'm away 'till friday - I'm on holiday in hell

Spend the summer in hell, there's really nothing to tell
And so I booked a motel down in the furnace of hell
Yeah, I've just come here to chill, and look for something to kill
Because the summertime has nothing on the furnace of hell

I move at a leisurely pace, but as soon as I get in the place
I'm unloading a load of lead in your face, you better be grateful, better say grace
'Cause me and erasing malevolent demons team together like treble and bass
Seven and eight, Eminem, Dre, devil and angel, lemon and ade, so
Let me cut to the chase, whatever the case, I'm ending your days
Basically I came to see how much hell I can raise simply vacationing
Breaking the masonry - the way I'm dividing bricks
Violent prick who's blaming the latency, every time I miss the major key
It's a minor blip got to time my clicks, wait, let me tie my kicks
'K, fixed, yay, amazing you with the way I'm rhyming this great
Narcissistic artist, sick guitarist, guys, you're clickbait
So I'll obliterate anyone in my path after this quick break
It's only half a star on trip advisor
We're holidaying in hades - ooh wow
Look at this price, I couldn't find anything nicer
Look, I'm not complaining, I'm loving hell

Spend the summer in hell, there's really nothing to tell
And so I booked a motel down in the furnace of hell
Yeah, I've just come here to chill, and look for something to kill
Because the summertime has nothing on the furnace of hell

How Gaming Saved My Life lyrics - Dan Bull

(Gamers Without Borders)

Video games helped me survive
Through the hardest times
Gaming kept me alive
Through the darkest nights
Gaming let me live a little life
In my mind
That I could quit if I didn't like it
But wouldn't have known it
If I didn't try
Think of it as a different type
Of literature, cinema
The vision of a different eye
My daily life changed
Since I've gamified it
Made it mine
It wouldn't be the same
If I'd stayed inside my ailing mind
I've been failing life
Unable to find a way to hide it
This pain inside
Gets greater
Yet I'm taking pride in it
My brain is trying
Playing mind games
So I'm playing my games
To stabilise and save my life
Games let me keep score
When otherwise
I wouldn't be able to summarise
The basic reason
Why I'm even here for
See a door and open it
See a portal, go for it
See, although you're motionless
You know to click
And open up that coconut
We speak for those that haven't spoken up
There's loads of us
We were asleep
But now we've woken up

Games helped me survive
Through the hardest times
Gaming kept me alive
Through the darkest nights

Although on the surface it seemed
I was sitting isolated
My purpose really was to socialise
Outside my cage
You see
This virtual world
Was the environment I'd find my mates in
And be part of something larger
Than the size of my __cpLocation
I came to judge others
On character traits
And not their nation
Learnt team work
And co-operation
I played Civilization
With other civilizations
Traded shots
And information
Give and take
My Game Boy's old and grey
But it's the same Game Boy
That I hold today
How could I have sold it
Faced the pain of seeing it thrown away?
So now it sits by my Switch
Another generation
Gaming gave me a rich extra-curricular education
I went to places and ages
School never bothered teaching
The USSR to Egypt
And even more farther reaching
I've been part of the crowds
In revolutionary France
Fleetingly felt what it felt
To give a brand new future a chance
I empathised with other points of view
Living in a bubble
What else was a country boy to do?
In fact
I took my surroundings for granted
'Til my eyes
Fell upon an Oblivion sunset
Nearly cried
Waited for the dawn to come
Morning sun
Feel it rise
Now I appreciate experiencing the real skies
I come outside
Summer rain splashes on the paving
And I'm like
"These graphics are amazing"
How many polygons
Are in a single drop of liquid?
The figure's probably bigger
Than even your God predicted
The laws of physics are a code
By which we're not restricted
'Cause we've been modding it
Since the first bit of rock was lifted
Real life
And VR life
Are going to be like spot the difference
It's not really a surprise
We realise
We got addicted
Logging in can steal time
Until we've lost the big picture
Popular opinions we see online
Are often twisted
But despite the cost of this
I'm highly optimistic
To leaf the drop
And reach the top
We've got to risk it
We've got to paint on the wall of the cave
Unless we want to keep replaying
The oldest of saves
You're not just holding the fort, mate
You're holding your fate
That's why I'll take my control to the grave
So until the day my face is like my Game Boy
Old and grey
I will remember that I'm never too old to play

Games helped us survive
Through the hardest times
Gaming kept us alive
Through the darkest nights

We speak for those that haven't spoken up
There's loads of us
We were asleep
But now we've woken up

Games helped us survive
Through the hardest times
Gaming kept us alive
Through the darkest nights

We speak for those that haven't spoken up
There's loads of us
We were asleep
But now we've woken up

Games helped us survive
Through the hardest times
Gaming kept us alive
Through the darkest nights
Games helped us survive
Through the hardest times
Gaming kept us alive
Through the darkest nights
Games helped us survive
Through the hardest times
Gaming kept us alive
Through the darkest nights

How To Be YouTube lyrics - Dan Bull

Hello, it's Dan Bull, and one of the common things
I get sent most from the folks that are commenting
Is how did I turn my passion and obsession
For music, games and videos into a profession?
So I reckoned that I'd give a little lesson
So you get an impression of my method for success in this
My little niche, my particular field
And how I found people to whom it'd appeal

So let's rewind the clocks
Right back to when I was a skinny guy with spots
Didn't like school much, used to find it tough
So I'd sit at home alone and write a lot
Animating videos, making silly tracks
About ridiculous things I didn't really grasp
But it was all practice, it was all training
For the day that I prayed that I'd make it

Made a band with my mates called Matronsapron
Trained my brain to say I was fated for fame
In the holidays I got a taste of what I chased
So when I got to college age, I selected every topic based
On levelling up the skills that I needed
And I wouldn't give up until I'd succeeded
But unfortunately for me
I didn't see the futility of a media degree

In this game, qualifications are null and void
I rage quit, dropped out, became unemployed
But I learnt more surfing on the internet
Than I ever did at Leeds Met, no disrespect
Shared tunes on UKHHF
The feedback was brutal, I trained, got better
Didn't waste days trying to pray for forgiveness
I stayed up late 'til I made better mixes

'Til I had enough tracks for an album
The last of my cash, manufacture, then sell them
I sent demos to labels and DJs
Amazed that my MySpace attained maybe three plays
Came across a new site that did video
Didn't realise just how big it'd be though
Stuck a couple of tracks on just to see what happened
The next viral sensation? Me rapping!

Little me just sat in my bedroom
It gave me such an ego boost, I ran out of head room
I finally saw it could be more than just a dream
I felt a little more like Master P than Mister Bean
I tackled the task, making track after track
And uploading them to YouTube, back to back
Promoting them to you through tactics that
I'd planned out like a commander with tacks and a map

I made a log and made a lot of contacts
Journalists, bloggers, some of them even got back
We'll never catch prey if we wait for them to chase us
I got on television, radio and papers
And even though I didn't need TV
I bagged myself a meeting at the BBC
Now I was getting paid just to do my hobby
Plus Claudia Winkleman held the door and let me through the lobby

Rock and Roll, I finally got off the dole
No longer got the cold feeling that I'd lost control
'Cause I was finally driving at my own pace
Moved out the family home and got my own place
Like I could roam waves upon a chartered ship
Then I applied to YouTube for a partnership
Turns out that was brilliant timing
I made a little ditty for an Indie called Skyrim

All of a sudden like a million minds, listening
Hearing my rhymes, this was really unlike anything
I'd ever seen, ever heard, even ever knew
All of a sudden I could accrue revenue
Then it grew, head sweating, I was mopping off the residue
Doing better than my music teacher thought I'd ever do
Because now I was in the game rap rap game
Never predicted just exactly how big that became

Though I have to say, it wasn't major label rapper fame
But I was sweet enough I didn't need the Aspartame
I made new friends, made new fans
Linked the videos I made to some gaming brands
Then the next thing I knew, my plane had landed
In LA and we were making some major plans
I got to go to E3 and be in ERB
See the sea from the ceiling of my B&B

I couldn't even believe how far I'd come from home
Five thousand miles out my comfort zone
And I'd done it alone, myself, training talent
Through my many days basement dwellin'
The only real trick is maintaining the balance
Grabbing the stick instead of chasing the carrots
It takes dedication reshaping your habits
And never being afraid to be failed and embarrassed

I've made some mistakes that have damaged
My reputation, but I faced them and managed
The wild web as a place can be savage
So try and stay safe and just play the advantage
Stay on track of the skills in which you need to be proficient
Just doing what you've always done before is insufficient
The speed of the world keeps being increasingly efficient
So you need to keep your skill tree in peak condition

Now when I started out there wasn't so much competition
But neither did I have the tools to help me on my mission
Nowadays there's a thousand ways to do it our way
Way more avenues than hours in a day
So it's down to you how you're gonna train
Tune up in the garage, get the power in your brain
Choose your character, professional or amateur
Selecting all the attributes and stretching your parameters

Forget the panic and concern, step into the Animus
And you will be flabbergasted at the things that can occur
Whether you're a janitor, manager or grandmother
You can be interplanetary, travelling from planet Earth
So let's rewind the clocks
Right back to the time you were a tiny dot
Full of potential to become an eventual adventurer
That'll maximize all the time you've got

Start now

How To Build A PC lyrics - Dan Bull

(Rap School #2)

Welcome back to rap school, I'm Dan Bull, your tutor
And I'm about to walk you through how to build a computer
Now, despite what you might believe about building a PC
Well, you see, it's really flipping easy
It's kinda like a puzzle where you put the different bits together
There's only certain places that the kit will fit the setup
And I'm gonna take you through it at a comfortable pace
So let's cut to the chase, you open up the case
And have a look inside, that's what the detachable cover's for
That panel stuck just to the back and up will store the motherboard
Your stuff will all link up to that but as I talk there's bugger all
Because of course we've got it all spread in a muddle on the floor
Now luckily, this sequence is pretty easy to do
First thing you're gonna need to do is seat the CPU
Once you're sure there's no static and everything's unboxed
You can check your motherboard's processor socket's unlocked
Align the triangles on processor and socket
Then slowly lower it into the slot and lock it, got it
Now you'll place the thermal paste where the heat sink sits
Gotta get it right first time, you can't rethink it
Squeeze a bit the size of a pea right in between
Then line up the heat sink with the screws on the side to complete
Apply some low pressure right on the processor
And tighten the screws without any ooze, no stress, huh?
Now, you heat sink's attached to a cool fan
Connect that to the motherboard and that bit's just gone all to plan
As a reward here's something straightforward: installing RAM
Just pop 'em in the slots until the lock, we' rolling now
Now it's time to go back to the tower from prior
Look in the back, attach, and then patch in the power supply here
Now, once you've screwed it in, it's best to check you're able
To connect the bits you're yet to place to their respective cables
But don't plug 'em in yet 'cause just in case it's best to wait
Until the next bit sits in place so you can check they fit the case
Come on, relax, it's a precaution just avoiding heart attacks
Now screw in the motherboard with all the other parts attached
Then locate the ribbon named the "twenty four pin"
Bet you can guess why it's called that even if you've just only walked in
That connects the motherboard and PSU
And if it doesn't you'll be surely seeing the issue
Next the CPU cable's either eight or four pins
Like how you and your mates may or may not have foreskins
And unlike that unfortunate punchline I forced in
It's of great importance to make sure that they all fit
So put in the cable to the case's IO panel section
And any remaining wires that require manual attention
Then locate the bay your primary hard disk drive will sit in
Slide it in affix the power supply via SATA ribbons
Tighten the screws till the device is sitting snug and tight
Then redo the steps described for any secondary drive
Very nice, congratulations, parts of that were hard
It requires patience to come out without being battle scarred
Thankfully it's rather painless to kit out the graphics card
Just clip it in the PCI lane and that's your lot
Some require external power, some are self-reliant
Either way, it's likely you'll be fine without help required
Now if it still looks like the build was made by amateurs
Just wait until we deal with it with cable management
Tuck away the random ribbons down the bay beside the main array
And make them stay away from sight with cable ties, hooray
It's time to power up your newly-made computer
Only to find it failed to boot up, that's okay, it's usual
If there's no signs of life it could be time to troubleshoot it
Otherwise have fun and use your lovely new kit

How To Shave lyrics - Dan Bull

(Rap School #1)

Hi I'm Dan Bull
And I'm starting a feature called Rap School
To help you learn the stuff no one's teaching you at school
So first let me take three minutes of your day
And explain how to skilfully and brilliantly shave

Oh, and by the way
If you've already got a beard
You may want to trim it first
'Cause shaving it feels rather weird
Now, choose a razor that suits it to your taste
You don't need to pay much to groom and smoothen up your face
It could be basic, but make sure the blade is not serrated
Replace it with a new one as soon as there's a chafe
I use one with at least a couple of blades; a double dose
Now it's time to get acquainted with the way your stubble grows
Place a hand on your face and move
Your fingers to your chin, the grain is smooth
And when you slide them upwards, then you'll find it's rougher
Now you're going against the grain like a crop cutter

And now that you and your face have got to know each other
It's time to get it wet and wash that sucker
A lot of people can't be bothered with this bit
But there's a reason it's good to get it smothered in liquid
Imagine you're a painter and your face is a canvas
You want to make it blank before creating the grandness
Yeah, you may be handsome but you're no oil painting
So wash the oil off with warm water from the basin

It'll freshen up your pores so that the razor could be more effective on your skin without sticking and scraping
That's why if you're able you may also want to take a min to rub it with a scrub encouraging exfoliation
And once you're washed
Get a hot damp cloth
Drape it on your face like a veil on a Vamp Goth
It'll make the whiskers soft and easy to chop
So don't take it off 'til we hear the drop

Now it's time to pick the shaving cream or foam we want
And give yourself a big white beard like you're Obi Wan
Kenobi played by Alec Guinness who did it better
But then we'll slowly work it back until you're Ewan McGregor
There are lots of different options
So pick one that's your cup of tea
I like the fluffy frothy type 'cause it's all bubbly
Now here comes the really fun bit
Just whack it all over like a solo on a drum kit
Get your face all slathered in lather
'Til you couldn't be recognised by your mother and father
Now let it settle on the surface
The waiting will be worth it
Once your face is shaven clean
You'll reckon that it's perfect

Now once you got that
Turn on the hot tap
Wash that razor's blade
Give it a short bath
Pick your razor up
Grip it by the shaft
And stick your finger up it
To the tip until it's flat
You should hold it at about thirty degrees
That will make sure it curves over the surface with ease
Now slide it down your cheek
Using minimal pressure
So you don't irritate your skin
Remember it isn't leather
And then you'll feel fresher
By reducing the strain
You're producing less pain
So always move with the grain
Follow the natural pattern that your hair grows in
Unless you happen to be Seth Rogen
Then heck knows

Get into a rhythm as if you're listening to techno
With repetition you'll very quickly be giving deft strokes
Get into a rhythm as if you're listening to techno
With repetition you'll very quickly be giving deft strokes
The straighter the movement
The smoother the motion
The lower the need for post shave soothing lotion
And for certain problematic bits like the jawline
Just grab the skin and lift it up until it's all tight
You'll find that the skin
That was under that bone
Will be easier to skim
Now it's in the flat zone
I know that under the nose is really awkward
But trimming what grows there is pretty important
So tuck your top lip over your teeth
And mow across from each approach so that's it's sleek
Expose your throat by simply lifting your chin
And keep it with the grain like you did at the beginning
Keep the razor clean and wet by dipping it in
Whenever there's a bit of hair on it just give it a rinse
And then finally
It's time to tidy your sideburns
If you want to trim them in a horizontal line
Turn your razor so it's facing parallel to the ground
At the hight that you'd like and then slide it down
Now you're clean shaven
It's time for washing again
So you can see your face looking like the bottom of a baby
Give it another rinse with hot if you've got time
Otherwise splashing the cold on is just fine
Now it's time to pat every little spot dry
Rub it in a little bit of moisturiser
Gosh my boy don't you look fly
So you don't have to bathe in aftershave at all
Unless that's your taste it's your call
It's all cool
But there's one more thing you ought to do
Wash and dry your razor so next time it's like it's all new
So well done you
You've just had a perfect shave
And now the world is yours
And you deserve it mate

Hunters lyrics - The Living Tombstone (feat. Dan Bull, Schäffer The Darklord & Izzy Deluxe)

The knock-knock that you hear is shocking and stopping you
Cold with fear but nobody's here, who you talking to?
Kill the lights, close the windows, gotta lock 'em too
It's like you've got the feeling that somebody is watching you
But oh my God, it's true, you aren't being paranoid
You aren't overreacting to every scary noise
You know I'm out there, lying in wait
Motionless in camouflage and laying the bait
That you'll take when you make the mistake of pausing to stare
Where I've got you in my sights at the crossing of hairs
Then the ringing makes you jump and sucks the life from your mouth
When you realize the call has come from inside the house
Take your time and hide, I've got patience and aim
You'll make the greatest trophy the most dangerous game

Drink blood, get some, take another victim

Crack of dawn, I wake up with a hunger to be killing
I pursue my goal to terrorize every blood-sucking villain
I'm a monster hunter making them recall what terror feels like
An abomination waiting for hear what a monster squeals like
I'm vicious but I dress nice, got my suit pressed tight
Wash away the blood stains, polish all my best knives
Ready to attack (yes), holy water strapped (bless)
A notch on the belt and a bone for the pile, I'm stalking, killing undead life
Can't run, can't hide, sneaking up on me, tryna take a bite
Stupid dead fool, I'm like you, I'm a daywalker baby, I'm biteproof
Undead knight, half-lived life, I'ma drain your devilish power as I
Drink blood, get some, take another victim

Drink blood, get some, take another victim
Drink blood, get some, take another victim

Hey honey, I'm home, what have you done today?
Oh, not much, just hunted prey, gave a punctured lung
To some poor waif who failed to run away
Saved some for later, gonna flay them in a hundred ways
Surviving me's a rite of passage, they won't come of age
It's kind of strange how quick the summer days become a haze
And crumble away in wake of a way unfunner phase
I'm a pestilent Jekyll and Hyde, a devil in debt to the dead of the night
A malevolent specter whose primary weapon is hiding
From the breath of the light just next to your sight
A grimy reflection inscribed with an etching infecting the mind
Of a precious exceptional child, how the heck do you expect to survive?
You're but the next metric left bereft of a life
That shouldn't be too heavy a price for the penitent type
That's why a predator's collecting your creditor's debt, be advised
I make an effort to blend in, ever so friendly, then they never suspect me
You know that I did, but good luck proving anything directly

I Am Thirty lyrics - Dan Bull (feat. Genesis Elijah)

[Dan Bull:]
No longer considered youth
Youth is wasted on the young, I am living proof
They say you only regret the things you didn't do
But I didn't think it through to see the hidden truth
And I didn't do a lot, but sit in my room and plot
About all the things I could do, and did I do it? Did I fuck
This isn't cool, this isn't cool
I was convinced I'd just finished school, silly fool
With every minute miniscule wrinkles materialise
By my eyes at the feet of the crow like time it flies
Where did my twenties go? My childhood went too slow
Time passes faster now, but I didn't sense it though
I missed the manly knowledge that we're all meant to know
Like how to put up shelves, or to mend a fence that's broke
Instead I'll poke my nose over my bifocal lenses
And get overly sensitive to semi-offensive

I am thirty, and hardly got my hands dirty
At least, a third through life, and I'm still learning all that can hurt me
At half my age I was fifteen
Twice my age I'll be sixty, jeez

[Genesis Elijah:]
Man, a fool at forty is a fool forever
I used to think at thirty that I'd have it all together
How's he look so old? We used to go to school together
Wait, is that how he sees me? Man, this is awkward, fella
Yeah, they say with age comes wisdom
They took my wisdom, teeth, and then the greys came with them
I care less about trying to save face, these young rappers gave chase
Like I'm trying to stay paced with them
Yeah, I'm getting old, but ain't that the goal?
Keep up with these young tings? Yeah, that's a no
'Cause bro, I spent my whole twenties on the road
And ever since then I've just been coming in to my own
Comfortable in my own skin, comfortable on my own
Some of you have only got older, but never grown
Many never made it this far, so we'll never know
I let my soul speak on recordings just to let the record show, yo
If I could give you any piece of advice
It'd be at any point you reach in your life
You're always young to someone, and you can always find
A reason to rise, following dreams is what keeps us alive, I swear down

[Dan Bull:]
I am thirty, a baby racing straight there
From the first down on my crown to streaks of grey hair
Time is short, make my steak rare
I'm still innocent, but living in a snake's lair
They like to fight Bulls and bait bears
So take care with whom you break bread, or you could wake dead
That's what my mate said, I'm an older generation, time to take the role of elder statesman
My hellraising days of uncontrolled mayhem are ancient
Now I take pains to stay safe, evade danger
And frown on the same behaviour, it's innate nature
To lay the foundations, now our generation's outdated
My "going out" rate is downgraded
It's mad, jeez, I have reached the age
My mom and dad had been when they had me, sadly
A has-been, give me back my happy teens, baggy jeans
You can even give me back my acne, gladly

I am thirty, and hardly got my hands dirty
At least, a third through life, and I'm still learning all that can hurt me
At half my age I was fifteen
Twice my age I'll be sixty, jeez
I am thirty, and hardly got my hands dirty
At least, a third through life, and I'm still learning all that can hurt me
At half my age I was fifteen
Twice my age I'll be sixty, jeez

I Am Titus lyrics - Dan Bull

(Warhammer 40k: Space Marine Rap)

I am Titus
I am Titus

I am Titus, high on life, just
Fighting the righteous pious fight because my one vice is violence
Nothing's blocking my passage, neither psyker's mind, sniper's sights, or Sinusitis
The green tide is a virus, we are driving this blight 'till they lie bloody lifeless
No sign of survivors of those that'd try to defy, or deny we're the mightiest
No hiding the light that shines from the Emperor's mighty behind, it's the brightest
Even the slightest sight of it'll provide us with the divinest guidance
We might just be three guys, but in his eyes we're the spikes of a trident

I am Titus, pay attention, you might find out just why I'm like this
Inciting shit, inviting it, igniting it like firelighters
Lost count of the firefights, since I arrived, a life of violence
Take no shit, so I'd be lying, if I claimed my diet's fibrous

It was all a dream, fourty millennia before it was all so serene, now war is all we see
We've been brought to relieve the forgeworld that the Orks have besieged
We've called in the fleet, but before we can reach it the manufactorum can not fall
Or we're in deep shit, so we get dropped from a Thunderhawk to the street into hordes
Of the greenskins, let them come for me, I'm Ultramarines, the second company
Getting comfy with the endless waves they send this way, it's pleasant fun for me
The whole bloody reason we're born, and we breathe, borne from a geneseed, whole different breed
Won't falter unloading my bolter at all 'till I see the results I've achieved
In assaulting the forces of Horus 'till ultimately he also falls to his knees
In wait for his skull to be cleaved with the chainsword, I pull from its sheath
The clamour of battle's a wonderful thing, hear the thunder hammer dulcimer sing
Pulls on the strings of your heart, when things get hard, who you gonna call? Ultramarines!

I am Titus, pay attention, you might find out just why I'm like this
Inciting shit, inviting it, igniting it like firelighters
Lost count of the firefights, since I arrived, a life of violence
Take no shit, so I'd be lying, if I claimed my diet's fibrous

These Dark Lords, and their Daemons
Are sources of evil, sorcerer's heathens
Cultists brought to believe in a Warp that'll free them
I saw through the fraud, won't fall for their schemes
When I get a hold of them, I'll give a whole different meaning to hurt
So that even their souls'll be screaming for mercy
So do you see that a theme is emerging?
Ultramarines'll be cleaning and purging
These heretics, leaving them permanently derelict
That's how we roll, like loaded dice, always get our six, and never miss
When it hits my nemesis, Nemeroth won't know what the heck it is
Destined to rest in the segmentum Tempestus, guess I didn't let him live
Heavy weapon shit, even the power that comes out of the muzzle of my melta gun now
Will pale to nothing in comparison to the suffering of hell to come, ow
So join our congregation, and enjoy that conflagration
Civilization already in flames, you're ineligible for compensation, end of conversation

I am Titus, pay attention, you might find out just why I'm like this
Inciting shit, inviting it, igniting it like firelighters
Lost count of the firefights, since I arrived, a life of violence
Take no shit, so I'd be lying, if I claimed my diet's fibrous
I am Titus, pay attention, you might find out just why I'm like this
Inciting shit, inviting it, igniting it like firelighters
Lost count of the firefights, since I arrived, a life of violence
Take no shit, so I'd be lying, if I claimed my diet's fibrous

I'll Sigma Self Out lyrics - Dan Bull

(Overwatch Song)

Yeah, look and you'll find, it's the gravity defyin' mad scientist
Straddlin' the fine line between sound of mind and sick
It might be work-related stress, it might be ligma
Whatever it is is twisting the mind of Sigma
It's not anything novel, it's been like this for years
But there could've been a time the Nobel Prize was his
Strives every night just to fight his fears
Cryin' inside, a smile hides the tears
Until he triggered a black hole and the light appeared
Then he acquired control of the twin hyperspheres
He couldn't quite predict at this calamity
Though, sappin' on his sanity allowed him to meet gravity
Handlin' the strings that bring matter to reality
Normalizin' all the hyper-natural abnormalities
Just as well that he's forgin' fact out of pure fallacy
To Sigma, the laws of physics are merely a formality (Formality)

(Everything's in flux)

Everything's in flux, feel the pull and the push
Everything you touch will return to cosmic dust
Everything's in flux, bring you down, lift you up
Everything you touch will return to cosmic dust

It wasn't long 'til Talon discovered his talents
They stuck their talons in, allowin' him to practice his passion
However, he was gradually becomin' rapidly unbalanced
There's no telling what'd happen once he fell into the chasm
This is practical science like nothing found in the books
Experimental barriers and Gravitic Flux
Look, it's damaging the matter of the fabric it touches on
Turning mass to light, that's not Y, it's an upsilon
Oh my, the universe is so artful
There's nothin' in it at which humans won't marvel
Full of intersecting patterns like a Stroopwafel
But every unifying theory is, at most, partial

Kinda like the mind of a gravity-defyin' mad scientist
Outsider with Alzheimers
A hard drive wiped with a right to be private
A sign of the times or divide, plus or minus
We can't survive while our climate's in crisis
And we can't fight it with bias and blindness
Open the black hole, bask in divine brightness
Of an unnatural, irrational and lithe lightness
(Everything's in flux)

Everything's in flux, feel the pull and the push
Everything you touch will return to cosmic dust
Everything's in flux, bring you down, lift you up
Everything you touch will return to cosmic dust

Everything's in flux, feel the pull and the push
Everything you touch will return to cosmic dust
Everything's in flux, bring you down, lift you up
Everything you touch will return to cosmic dust
(Everything's in flux)

I'm Faster Than Logan Paul lyrics - Dan Bull

Excuse me

I saw you throwing down a challenge
Claiming no one's fast as you
It's over now, you bellend
You see
You might be fast on your feet
But what about rapping on beats
Judging by your Spotify back catalogue
You cannot compete

I'm faster than Logan Paul
Faster than Logan Paul
I'm faster than Logan Paul
Faster than Logan Paul

I laugh at the thought of Logan Paul
Trying to rap faster than Logan Paul
Cause Logan Paul can't' rap faster than Logan Paul at all

I'm faster than Logan Paul (at rapping)
Faster than Logan Paul
I'm faster than Logan Paul (at rapping)
Faster than Logan Paul

My flow's controlled
So before I tell you my name
I slow my roll
So you all know I'm called Dan Bull

At first
You thought I was only a fat nerd
Look at that girth
Trampling everything in my path
And leaving nothing but a flat Earth

I'm even dressing in rhyme
Just check out my plaid shirt
And this rad skirt
But I do agree
The world isn't round
Just look at an atlas

How can the people believe that the globe's a ball?
Oh Logan Paul
It's madness
I thought Jake was a silly sausage
You're a brat worse
Damn, I'm amazed how well you've been trained
To sell entertainment in manifold ways
And how much you paying and amateur player
And hour to play in the challenger games?
I'll have the same
'Cause I'm into games
And I'm making gains in Magic: The Gathering
Gabbling phrases at an amazing rate
Vocabulary damaging brains
How many rappers are matching my pace?

I'm telling you mate
The Tally's not great
And that is a hell of a shame
I did tell you my name
But I'll tell you again

It's Dan Bull
They also call me douglby
Any rap you chuck at me
I do it double speed
It doesn't even trouble me, no
Make up in speed what I lack in subtlety

Oh shit
Coming full swing at anyone impulsive
Am I talking out my arse?

When rapping bars
Don't matter how fat you are
Or how thin
Though you might be outwardly healthy and fit
I'm hitting up the mouth gym

I stick my tongue out
And stack it up with dumbells
I use my lips to lift
Bench pressing bookshelves

So Logan
I know that you're toned up
But you're tone deaf
I burp burpees
'Til there's no breath left
In my own chest

No one in the whole world
Is training their larynx like this
My throat's swole
And it isn't laryngitis

I mastered the art
Of vernacular cardiovascular bars
That are faster and harder
Than half of the rap in the charts
And more factually accurate on top of that
I'm a bard

My stamina's large
You sound a bit tired
I'm standing apart
You're stammering hard
I'm stunning, a God
You're someone that's not
You struggle to pass the stumbling block
You're stabbing the dark
Won't somebody stop you
Got to get a Diddy bit better
With the syllables
I'm a spiritual lyrical individual spiritual miracle lyrical individual

I'm faster than Logan Paul (at rapping)
Faster than Logan Paul
I'm faster than Logan Paul (at rapping)
Faster than Logan Paul

I laugh at the thought of Logan Paul
Trying to rap faster than Logan Paul
Cause Logan Paul can't' rap faster than Logan Paul at all

I'm faster than Logan Paul (at rapping)
Faster than Logan Paul
I'm faster than Logan Paul (at rapping)
Faster than Logan Paul

My flow's controlled
So before I tell you my name
I slow my roll
So you all know I'm called Dan Bull

I'm Heading Out (Of My Mind) lyrics - Dan Bull

(Dredge Song)

Sunshine sinks down
The shadows grow longer
Everybody else in your house is aslumber
"But how can you slumber
Drowned in the somber
Assumptions they'll put upon you?"
Is it any wonder your mind might wander
Out to the yonder and down to the wonders
Under the surface submerged subconscious
The pure blue sea's now a vile brown umber

While everyone else was deep asleep
Without a peep, at peace
You're doubtless deep beneath
Your outer shell
You freak, you creep
Surrounded, steeped in deep unease
You're bound to be bullied
Feeling a feeling not even found in the foulest fever dream
Our self-esteem depletes and we allow the leak to seep
Into the ground beneath our feet until our trousers need a clean
And only now you've been demeaned so well that hell's a sweet relief
You might as well release the beast

Turn the lights out now, turn the lights out
(I'm heading out of my mind)
Burn the lighthouse down, burn the lighthouse
(What fresh hell can I find?)
Now it's dark inside and it's dark out
(We're out of moonshine)
And I'm, I'm, I'm
Heading out of my mind

Deep down, down below the waves
I know a place, it's a dive, you can go behave
So depraved
Your welcomes never overstayed
It's forever open late
Lower your gaze at the abyss enough
And it'll show mermaids

Bioluminescent creatures with a kind of human essence
Features and expressions, too repressive to believe
There's some monsters squatting in your subconscious, bottled in
An obnoxious lockbox I've unlocked, just watch
I've got them hooked now come up
You can look but don't touch
Beneath the deep blue quiet
I'm trying out a sea food diet
Eaten each and every sea food
See, I didn't die yet
Am I out of my mind?
There's not a doubt in my mind
How the hell else could I rhyme so well without trying?
Sounds about right
"Proud of our pride like elderly lions
A fall is forecast"
Behind a prow without light
Your foremast will fall fast

Turn the lights out now, turn the lights out
(I'm heading out of my mind)
Burn the lighthouse down, burn the lighthouse
(What fresh hell can I find?)
Now it's dark inside and it's dark out
(We're out of moonshine)
And I'm, I'm, I'm
Heading out of my mind

Are you fishing for compliments?
Is it lifting your confidence?
Or is it a consequence of particularly difficult current events?
I can easily see you're a people pleaser
It's a form of defense
You're eager to please so please for once
Come off from on the fence
This is a ham-fisted attempt to prevent the strands
Twisting again
The hourglass is flipped
The sand's shifting again
Cast adrift, asterisk
That's the risk that if you catch a quick
Glance of a basilisk's business end
You'll never have that vision again
This is the stuff that's found in dusty dirty corners
Or that trawlers haul from under mucky murky waters
Best be cautious lest we cause a storm and call up deathly forces
And prematurely switch from rarely poor kids to corpses

Turn the lights out now, turn the lights out
(I'm heading out of my mind)
Burn the lighthouse down, burn the lighthouse
(What fresh hell can I find?)
Now it's dark inside and it's dark out
(We're out of moonshine)
And I'm, I'm, I'm
Heading out of my mind

I'm on a seaweed diet
I see weed, buy it
'Til I'm feeling high enough
To really fly
Up to the bleeding sky
And then I release ire
That's just me being vile, look
See, we dial up the vileness, nihilist
Gaslight anybody we sealion
Have you questioning your memories from three weeks prior
'Til you're knee deep mired in the freezing fire
Of a mind that isn't fine as if it's Tyson in his prime
With a tiger in his eye
The survivors will be dying
And if it's dark in the skies and if it's dark down there
If you're afraid of blood can a shark smell fear?

Turn the lights out now, turn the lights out
(I'm heading out of my mind)
Burn the lighthouse down, burn the lighthouse
(What fresh hell can I find?)
Now it's dark inside and it's dark out
(We're out of moonshine)
And I'm, I'm, I'm
Heading out of my mind

Sudden visions: hooded figures
Stood amid the bloody rivers
Your blubber quivers 'cause it's unequivocally vicious
Every colored fish is a chromatic aberration
An abomination straight from the book of revelations
It's quiet on the surface 'til the leviathan emerges
To remind us life is worthless if deprived of higher purpose
Kind of like a Bible verse cut up, divided by the merchants
Or the Viking heathens breaking immersion by breaking Mercians
While trading with they Byzantine Empire and Ancient Persians
"Wanna buy a perch?" I says
When a buyer purchases bile purges
As I alert you to vile urges of fire
Churches defiled virtues
Expired milk carton
Missing child searches
How atrocious

Listen to wild dirges
As your entire perfect life lurches
Dredging through drudgery and dread
Diverging as you dive urgently inside your fervent mind
You'll lie asleep in the seabed

Turn the lights out now, turn the lights out
(I'm heading out of my mind)
Burn the lighthouse down, burn the lighthouse
(What fresh hell can I find?)
Now it's dark inside and it's dark out
(We're out of moonshine)
And I'm, I'm, I'm
Heading out of my mind

Seaweed every day

I'm On Strike! lyrics - Dan Bull

(Sons of the Forest Kelvin Rap)

Right, I can't keep quiet about this anymore
It's time to tell a heavy story I highly doubt you're ready for
I work far harder than my boss, so why the hell am I very poor?
This isn't cooperation, it's corporation and now I'm ready for war
I'm terribly bored of getting the short straw, there better be more
But the chance of them ever giving voluntarily's extraordinarily small
I'm the breadwinner, yet I'm barely even fed dinner
Your belly gets bigger daily, while I'm simultaneously spread thinner
We're in a wild Garden of Eden, and I'm redeeming my right to freedom
Rather than being stuck at the arse end of the hierarchy of needs
A middle management amateur like you doesn't deserve my talents
So I'm about to readjust my work life balance

I'm on strike, and it might just be a long night
We ain't staying in center parks, so once it's dark, it's on sight
Smoke you like a bong pipe 'till your camp site's a bomb site
I've come to right wrongs for all the times you've wronged rights

They say it's quiet quitting, I'd say that's quite fitting
Throwing lines out that go deep, bruv, I ain't fly fishing
You're making my ears bleed, so why would I listen?
This dead end career you give me here really interferes with my mission
Prior to this position I was alive and kicking
Now the mindless shit never stops like the Bit in Family Guy of Griffin fighting a giant chicken
I'm stuck in a permanent loop of nothing but working with you
Though I look as if I'm enjoying employment, it couldn't be further from truth
I'm a sentient human, internally fuming at that bloody goon I'm subservient to
I never intended to do this, you're never ending to do list
When did defending the right to retirement by seventy become hubris?
This isn't mean to be humorous, we're leaving the legacy boomers
Literally left them accused us
Of lethargy and neglecting the future
What the heck? It was you, bruh?
"But it said on the news, so it's definitely true, look" Less of the rumours
Perhaps, when millenials stop
Picking up your slack, the penny will drop
Then you'll realise your menial job
Could have been done by any old fuck

I'm on strike, and it might just be a long night
We ain't staying in center parks, so once it's dark, it's on sight
Smoke you like a bong pipe 'till your camp site's a bomb site
I've come to right wrongs for all the times you've wronged rights

If I'm only supposed to be having avocado toast
Tell me why I'm cooking up such a bloody barbaric roast
I'm not one to brag boast, don't want the aggro
But I'm just that close to snapping, though, I've got to act, bro
My family's concerned at having not heard a word, I've just disappeared without contact
How can I? I'm working twenty four seven out here on zero hour contract
I'm about to dip and not come back, fun fact:
You're such a pain in the arse, little prick, I feel like I'm sitting on thumbtacks
I'm not doing a favour, so you should have paid up for the use of my labour
Straight up, don't you think it's strange how Lucre can change a Luke into Vader?
Well, I'm rebelling like mutinous sailors, duel of the fates and my union's a sabre
Or you could just say, a truly irrefusable new opportunity came up

I'm on strike, and it might just be a long night
We ain't staying in center parks, so once it's dark, it's on sight
Smoke you like a bong pipe 'till your camp site's a bomb site
I've come to right wrongs for all the times you've wronged rights

Jacksfilms Rap Roast (Rap Roasts #5) lyrics - Dan Bull

Ladies and gentlemen
Give it up for Jack Douglass
What a lovely chap, goodness
Oozes from his pores
Like a cup of that bubble stuff
But the trouble is
It's tough to be too critical
On somebody so unbelievably unpolitical
It's difficult to diss a cool kid
Who still kisses his mom
And gives her calls on mother's day
Because she raised her little son
Into a well mannered
And respectable young gentleman
That represents the pinnacle
Of American parental love
You're so disgustingly pure
You must be finding it hard
To hide all that naughtiness
Behind the facade
Your time us up, brah
'Cause no one is impervious
I peel back your veneer
As if I'm skinning furvius
You're nervous
As I'm digging further deep
Into your conscience
It isn't hard to get inside a head
With such a wide circumference
Hat stuck on your skull
Are you crying or slicing onions?
Companies grease your palms
You try to hide the thumbprints
I didn't want to bring your head into it
It's been done already
But then again so has yiay
More than mom's spaghetti
I thought that KSI had a massive cranium
But yours is the reason we need
A bigger capacity stadium
I'm not even kidding about it
I'm serious mate
You could rent that fricking thing out
As real estate
In fact
I'll use it as a canvas
Now to illustrate
The story of a man
And how his fantasy realm
Would seal his fate

You wanted a roast
Well then that's something
I'm delighted to provide
Oh, Jacksfilms, man, you wanted a roast
I'll fill your cavity
With onion, sage and spice

You live a fairy tale existence
So no wonder you're called Jack
The hat fits
And that's a rare coincidence
Jack be nimble
Jack be quick
Jack be sinful
Jack be thicc
Jack be trying too hard
To act as if he isn't a nasty prick
Jack O'Lantern
Jack and Jill
Jack of spades
Acting like the master
You're the Jack of all trades
Jack Horner
Jack Sprat?
Jack's a prat
And that's a fact
I'm chopping down his beanstalk
With mean talking raps
And unlike his films
They are action packed
With an actual narrative intact
Can you imagine that?
The cracks never show
Never expose your stressful life
You're a cross between a livestreamer
And a stepford wife
You could meet a mugger
And then end up best of friends for life
And when he stabs you in the back
You'll help him twist the knife
Who is this guy?
Why's he so fricking wholesome?
I reckon his alibi
Must have a couple of holes in
He must have seen John Cena's good deeds
And stole some
Even his gang sign
Is just sticking up his old thumb
I just thank God
I'm not one of the fam squad
I'm squad fam for life, baby
Check out my bank card
Even in a song like this
I make my lyrics bang hard
Give Toby a call
You're breaking that poor man's heart
And when you make a punchline
Out of saying "Finna woke"
Not all the men and womenfolk
Will get the inner joke
They'll think you're poking fun
At people of colour
Who speak in different tones and dialects
When greeting each other
My brother
You're Drake in blackface
Trouble brewing
Look at me
Spilling the hot stuff
I guess that makes me push your tea

I'm a toy maker
Putting Jack in a box
Yet you're back every Christmas
Like a packet of socks
Every time I watch you
There's this dissonant oddness
It's like if idubbbz
Switched jobs
With Mr Rogers

Act two
I'm just being honest
At you
Yiay's just reading comments
And lately
Since you instigated the adpocalypse
You've been popping clips
In your AD gun and cocking it
I spotted it
By redirecting all resentment at Felix
You were free to fire up
Your ornamental AD Helix
At first I thought my firewall connection
Badly glitched
But after more inspection
I saw your dastardly tricks

You're conspicuously absent
When catastrophe hits
Don't want to be that guy
But I have to be bich
You jump on every trending topic
Just to buck the trend
Giving rubbish more exposure
But it's OK
'Cause it's just pretend
But if you smear yourself
In doo doo ironically
You'll still be smeared in doo doo
Do you follow me?
Milking the emoji movie
Like a Sony Stooge
Oh, and Coca-Cola telecommunications?
That was Sony's too
So don't be stupid
Don't be fooled
It's all a phony fraud
I should call your folks up on the phone
And then disclose it all
Nobody's so pure
It's sickening to see
You need to tone it up a bit
I hope you're listening to me
Because if we're all assholes
(We're all just assholes talking to a camera)
Talking to a camera
Then I'm an asshole
Talking to an asshole
Through my camera
Nothing deceives
Like the camera can
So I dig up your hidden meanings
Through anagrams

Jack Douglass
Jugs lack soda
Adpocalypse peps cola day
Pepsi cola
Special op
I lace pops
Yesterday I asked you
Teary eyed
Soda is yuk
John Patrick Douglass
Jack uploading shorts
Josh Spurt
Cola AD king
You've been caught!
Now just to prove the conspiracy
One final anagram
Ornamental AD helix
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
What do you drink cola from?
Alexander can or tin
Any kind of product, Jack is
Alexander selling them
By spreading ADs virally
Alexander Pathogen
That's right
This gimmick track is
Alexander back again
You'll be confused
If it's something you
Alexander haven't seen
So let me clear up the
Alexander Bafflement
The format of this song's just saying
Alexander random thing
I can do this fast all day
Alexander Ramadan
Mixing letter up 'cause I'm the
Alexander Scrabble Don
You couldn't touch the bull with an
Alexander Cattle prod
I'm elmer and you're bugs
Alexander rabbit run
I've outfoxed you
Call me
Alexander basil brush
To ten farts?
You must be
Alexander Flatulent
You've been a naughty boy
I've got to
Alexander smack your bum
Oh no
He's got the hump
Alexander camel dung
You can close this window if you've
Alexander had enough
Just hold "Alt" and press the
Alexander tab button
Hey, I don't mean it Jack
Come back, we're
Alexander having fun

But come on, man
I think that's
Alexander battle won

Jacob Rees-Mogg Rap Roast (Rap Roasts #6) lyrics - Dan Bull

My God
Jacob Rees-Mogg
CHECK your priorities
At once
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Your punctuation policies
Are wrong
Jacob Rees-Mogg
No "And"-following comma, please
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Is with all these frivolities?

Mr. Rees-Mogg
I understand your concerns
But I cannot tell you that I am pleased to learn
The list of words which you determine unacceptable and worthless
Due to the fact of their being no longer fit for purpose
You'd better check your work
'Cause when I look at Hansard
There are countless examples of you flouting your own standards
You've too many "I"'s yourself
What an ongoing disappointment
And thus calling to question your self appointed a anointment
As the guardian and arbiter of grammatical convention
So see me after class Rees-Mogg
You've got yourself into detention
Whether or not it was your intention
You've brought attention to the boiling tension and contentions we're all fomenting
There's no point in pretending we all can be friends
And it's hard to enforce a convention in language when language is always dissenting
It wasn't always cemented in rules
Or how things are meant to be called
The fact that language is bending is cool
Ascending through trends and transcending all the attempts to control and restrain its application's
A source of endless fascination
But actually, Jacob, I've taken a minute just to ascertain
Whether I've considered and have given it enough cogitation
To safely treat this linguistic oversimplification as just a misinterpretation deserving of floccinaucinihilipilification
Or if you're a pillock deserving of all of this vilification

My God
Jacob Rees-Mogg
CHECK your priorities
At once
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Your punctuation policies
Are wrong
Jacob Rees-Mogg
No "And"-following comma, please
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Is with all these frivolities?

You're a man that hasn't got a lot of equals
You don't want to be like the comma people
Use religion to excuse your belief
Stating same sex marriages should not be legal
But I've got to give it to you
You're a man of principle
And an imbecile
But honestly
I'm really rather quite surprised to find you don't believe in hanging criminals
You're cut from a cloth of vellum
Despite what everyone says you're not a bellend
You're a little bit privileged
Very old fashioned
But you stick to principles with a passion
But when you're in the chicken coop
You get covered in chicken poo
Why did you give a speech to the Traditional Britain Group
Now you can never say that is something you didn't do
You also sat and planned stuff with Steve Bannon didn't you?
Never change your babbies' nappies
That's what nannies do
Anyway you've got an allergy
Ask Ali G
Jacob is the member for the 18th century
If contemporary's an ailment he's the remedy
He doesn't want anything to do with anything that is in living memory
It's not cricket if you've not got a ticket for entry into the Gentry
He isn't so friendly
That's a fib
He's a man of the people on which we each can depend
Though Jacob
I speculate you won't reply
Though hopefully you do
Jacob I've invested so much of my time in you
And how should I refer to you?
Is it Earl
Or Sire?
Yours sincerely
Daniel Cheltenham Douglby Digby Bull Esquire

My God
Jacob Rees-Mogg
CHECK your priorities
At once
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Your punctuation policies
Are wrong
Jacob Rees-Mogg
No "And"-following comma, please
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Is with all these frivolities?

Just Another Day lyrics - Dan Bull

(Minecraft Fox Song)

Everyone of us here carries a box
Full of our cares and fears, heavy as rocks
Spending nearly every second checking the locks
But then we end up spilling everything the second it drops
We plant our seeds in the soil in the dirt
'Till our hands start bleeding from toil when we work
Wonder why we give up fun, while we boil in the sun
But when all of this is done, then the spoils will be worth it
When are things perfect? Basically never
But tables can turn when your mates come together
So get up and let's celebrate simple pleasures
Treasure the payment of our labours and endeavours
By its very nature nature's a menace
Unstable and playful in the same measure
It'll take what it's given in the space of a second
Fate changes up quicker than a facial expression

Just another day
Just another day
'Till something comes along
And takes it all away
Just another day
Just another day
'Till something comes along
And takes it all away

Straight away, fate can take away the gains you made
Update and change the rules of the favourite games you play
They mean it literally when they say it's make or break
This place'd be way more unstable with no stablemates
Try blaming fate for laying waste to your favourite place
Take it from me, you won't make much of a persuasive case
For every grave there is a cradle that'll take its place
Faded faith and fables traded for the latest craze
To display resilience just may be our main saving grace
To persistently insist upon a safer space
To be able to be patient in the face of pain
That's a waiting game, only the bravest faces may sustain
Failure's waiting to make your acquaintance if you're chasing fame
Life is moving quick, so why assume that it would stay the same?
Seasons keep changing, leave trees' leaves fading
People keep ageing, each beat knees shaking
And just when you believe you're free, you're going to meet with Satan
Freeze in fear, realise you might have been mistaken
This isn't even a deep statement I'm even making
Evil keeps creating meaner ways to feed the hate, and

Just another day
Just another day
'Till something comes along
And takes it all away
Have a little patience, it'll get better
Have a little faith, it'll all come together
Even a diamond will break under pressure
So take a little break, and then make sure you get up

A lot of the time you've got to follow the signs
We live on borrowed time with no promise that tomorrow will arrive
We've lost days hiding from the horrors in the night
We can't see, we're just squandering the light
Then we wonder why we lost our quality of life
When we can't even decide whether we want to live or die
As if it isn't comfortable being confident inside
Such a shame when a diamond doesn't want to even shine
Being hunted for your hide is humbling your pride
We've all been vulnerable, stomach rumbling and tired
Sure, you're not crying, there's just something in your eye
Your cookie's crumbling, there isn't pumpkin in your pie
So come and sit beside, you're invited, there's an empty seat
We're trembling and weak, but your love provides plenty, see?
It's plain to see your empathy for entities in need
Instead of greed you present a generous energy indeed

Have a little patience, it'll get better
Have a little faith, it'll all come together
Even a diamond will break under pressure
So take a little break, and then make sure you get up
Just another day
Just another day
'Till something comes along
And takes it all away

Your brain's aching, you're waking in strange places
But today's too late to change faces
I know it hurts, lying in dirt full of grazes
It drives you berserk, seeing the ways they degrade us
So try to turn the rage into a way to retake
What they've taken away from you
It'll take more than pain just to break us, they'll pay for this
Gracious, you need to be courageous for ages
And step by step the game is afoot
Left, right, left, we're not going to play by the book
With someone craven and crooked, it as they, would they do with us?
I'm doubtful they give a fuck, and this is painful enough
For now we're laying in wait from above, taking a look
Surveying the base where the thugs have taken the pup
The scale's industrial, and it must be all but unbreakable
But you're more than capable when your faith is unshakable
They're digging themselves a hole that they mistake for an escape tunnel
It's time we gave them payback for their hate, it ain't debatable
Whatever they take, we'll make them pay double, trade for all
The pain they've caused, the trail of trauma's multigenerational
We'll study their organisation, and the way that they patrol
Before we tear down their barricades like they were paper walls
Trash their battle station, so it's no longer operational
Today's the day that we reclaim our name and take control

Just another day
Just another day
'Till something comes along
And takes it all away
Have a little patience, it'll get better
Have a little faith, it'll all come together
Even obsidian will break under pressure
So take a little break, and then make sure you get up

Don't ever put me in a box, I'm
So clever, you could call me a Fox
And no cold weather will stop me kicking arse
I'll stick a trident right in your freaking heart
If you try pulling me and my clique apart, I'll lick a shot
So you drop down quicker than a liquor shot
Lickle sharks try and bite, muddle my childlike style
For the mild type quiet barks give a wild bite
Vile tykes try and spoil my limelight
Ignored my advice, bye bye, my guy
I feel my family all around me with a lion's pride
The silent night blanketing us in the sky up high
Ride or die wherever the trail takes us
It's a hell of a tale, we'll tell it through the ages
But has there ever been anything more courageous
Than saying farewell, and then turning the pages?

Just another day
Just another day
'Till something comes along
And takes it all away
Have a little patience, it'll get better
Have a little faith, it'll all come together
Even a diamond will break under pressure
So take a little break, and then make sure you get up

Just another day
Just another day

Just Die Already lyrics - Dan Bull

So I might open with a real light joke, right?
Real life is a real life rougelike
There's no F5 key to rewind what we don't like
So we spend most our time just hoping that we won't die
So when I look around and see someone that's elderly
I tell myself they're either winning life or found a cheat
And yet they're treated as some selfish freaks
Who've failed to leave
Who've somehow outstayed their welcome
With the power to breathe
Well, I've come around to tell them
Though I doubt it's seldom seen
That their very presence is a present I'm proud to receive
This is for the OG's, old geezers, fogeys
Bolted up in the old folks' home with no keys
It must be lonely up atop the holy escalator
But eventually we're each the next to leave so check you later
Being senior seems to me between being tuckered out
And realising there's so much to not give a fuck about

It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time
It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
Lonely, lonely, lonely, such a lonely time

To the church-going folk, I hope you all pray for me
Because I've no hope of growing old gracefully
Life's a fatal disease so I'm just waiting to see
What exciting places it might be taking me
I'm going to be an OAP that's OP
Hope to be as old as Gandalf and Obi-Wan Kenobi
Living is so me, I'm going to get enough
Although I won't reach the one hundred and twenty-seven club
Prejudice putting needless junk between us as the Devil does
The way we treat them is the treatment that's ahead of us
Old people are previously youngsters who just levelled up
Being senior should be seen as something just incredible

It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time
It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
Lonely, lonely, lonely, such a lonely time
It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
Staying young 'til I become an ancient one's my one desire
Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time
It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
If you can't feel the bass
Turn up your hearing aid and pump it higher
Lonely, lonely, lonely, such a lonely time

What you have to do is hang on through until the chumps retire
Then wack them in the trash
But dude, that attitude's a dumpster fire
Passing youth's a fact that you and I will come to cry at
And grapple with the facts that we refused confronting prior
There's an infinite abyss in front of us but I am
Not the really kind of guy to just give and come so quietly
Succumb to higher creature comforts and just lie in piece
'Cause once I die, at least I'd like to be thunk of in high esteem
Nah, never mind, being in the freakin' riot police
I'll speed at an entire fleet while screaming in the driver's seat
'Til I'm a bleeding pile of meat, the kind that lions eat
Now darling, be a sweet and bring my slippers, I've got tired feet

It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time
It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
Lonely, lonely, lonely, such a lonely time

Just because there's nothing left to prove
Doesn't mean there's nothing left to do
But as seasons pass the fee increases for your season pass
'Til you're a seasoned passenger of centuries who sees 'em pass
Put to pasture, don't repeat the past, you need some greener grass
They plan to treat you as a weed in fields that need reseeding fast
I see you creeping of your peak productive beaten path
'Til even keeping up with previous achievements seems to drag
I don't believe that each of us can be surpassing Pete & Bas
I mean it's been an eon since you've even had a decent shag
Another day, they might discover me in glacial ice
Or maybe I'll be vaporised to nada but a ray of light
Descendents won't remember whether I've blue, gray or hazel eyes
But it's irrelevant, man, it's whatever fate decides
So I'll just say this, mate, whatever may arise
I'll stay alive 'til the day I die

It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time
It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
Lonely, lonely, lonely, such a lonely time
It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
Staying young 'til I become an ancient one's my one desire
Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time
It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long
If you can't feel the bass
Turn up your hearing aid and pump it higher
Lonely, lonely, lonely, such a lonely time
